Our Observation Of Malaysia's Diplomatic Sphere
When exploring the realm of diplomacy, opportunities are limited to more urban, upper or middle-class and English-proficient Malaysian youths.
This creates a disparity between groups as Malaysia lacks a youth-friendly and accessible platform to discuss and understand elements of foreign policy, diplomacy, and international affairs.
With no solid foundation, Malaysian youths are often disengaged in foreign policy making and implementation as there is no systematic avenue for these bright minds to engage, provide feedback and contribute to this sector of nation-building.

Our Approach In Merakyatkan Diplomasi

To strengthen Malaysia's diplomatic sphere, we bridge diplomatic opportunities to Malaysian youths locally and internationally, regardless of their background and ability.
As a youth focal point movement, empowering youths begins by having a committee to be led by youths ranging from 15 to 25 years old and contributing
to the nation's diplomatic agenda.
Our work includes various modes of engagement including townhalls, capacity-building programmes, campaigns and more to ensure each Malaysian youth can comfortably voice out their inputs to make Malaysia's diplomacy ecosystem more inclusive.