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MYFA Magazine Submission Guideline

What is MYFA Magazine?

The MyDiplomacy Foreign Affairs Magazine (MYFA Magazine) covers a broad range of topics in relation to Malaysian foreign policy and international affairs. It strives to present clear thinking by knowledgeable observers on important issues, written in both English and Malay that can be read with ease and pleasure by a general audience, as well as professionals.


Editor-In-Chief: Yen Sin & Durrah Abd Malek


Format of Pieces & Works

We accept the following type of pieces and works:

  • Opinion or Op-ed pieces (750 - 1500 words) inclusive of analysis, research or reportage on current issues, or suggested quarter themes.

  • Review essays (750 - 1500 words) venture into discussions and informed critiques of books that deal with international affairs.

  • Letters to the editors (500 words) to let us know your thoughts on the current Malaysian diplomacy scene or foreign issues.

  • Reading lists (5 - 10 works per list) highlighting leading works on a particular subject and explaining what makes them particularly memorable.

  • Artwork (not limited to posters and poetry) that correlates with the topics of diplomacy, foreign policy and affairs.

We recommend you submit your pieces in the following format to ease the process:

  • Works to be submitted to with the subject of 'SUBMISSION FOR MYFA MAGAZINE'.

  • Word-based works are to be sent in DOCS/DOCX format whereas design-based works are to be sent in JPEG/JPG format.

  • Kindly include your name, the institution you affiliate and a short biography. 

  • Should you prefer to remain anonymous, kindly disclose this to us.

  • A picture of the author(s) is recommended, but not compulsory.

Content & Disclaimers

  • There is no particular limitation on age or educational background to submit to MYFA Magazine.

  • Articles are judged on the basis of relevance, originality, prose and argumentation.  

  • The editorial staff does not conduct systematic fact checks and relies on authors to ensure the veracity and originality of their statements.

  • Throughout the editorial and illustration processes, editors reserve the right to make changes in accordance with MyDiplomacy style specifications, and the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the editorial board, assumes no obligation regarding publication.

  • While MyDiplomacy does not hold exclusive rights to any published work, you must state clearly if your piece has been published or accepted for publication in any form elsewhere.

  • Any inquiries can be made via email at

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